Tag Archives: magic

Someone Comes In

Someone comes in every day and walks into the empty, dark side of my office. They do this every morning, and they stand there, confused, turning in slow circles, on the other side of my desk. “Hello?” they call. It … Continue reading

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In Keeping

By the eight faces of the midnight moon, by her ninth face which is blood, and her holy reach, which is unto the depths, I conjure thee. I give thee the gift of sight, which is fire, and I give … Continue reading

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Please Don't

Snow has come, falling thickly on the ground, melting in the sun, freezing at night, and falling again. Tiny, nearly-dry flakes, and big wet clumps of them; children have snowball fights, make forts — people sled, snowshoe, and generally enjoy … Continue reading

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Please Don’t

Snow has come, falling thickly on the ground, melting in the sun, freezing at night, and falling again. Tiny, nearly-dry flakes, and big wet clumps of them; children have snowball fights, make forts — people sled, snowshoe, and generally enjoy … Continue reading

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The Autumn Queen No. 3 – Unending Night

This is #3 of The Autumn Queen. If you want to start from the beginning, go here. PREVIOUS * * * There had been songs of the sun for as long as I could remember. Epics about the shining light of the sky … Continue reading

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