Tag Archives: poem
I bring her red fruits
Love is messy, ruinous, and sweet, I think, paused for a moment in my efforts for my beloved, fingers stained, nails dug into flesh, flecks of red splashed up my arms, my cheek. I draw the knife around the dark … Continue reading
Exes and Ohs
Glory, glory, it was hard to see reason with all that radiant light with that face with that beautiful sungod face smiling down at me haloed by those windswept waves, that bronzed unfreckled skin. You don’t remember him, but I … Continue reading
one day
your careless words and carefree glances, you laughing ones down the way, you don’t know what burning lurks beneath a cold shoulder on a hot summer day it’s hilarious to think of how you go about your days without any … Continue reading
Am I To Believe
Everything I have been gifted — these fingertips, this tongue. Everything I’m waiting for under the burning sun. I am a monster in my own right, but you already knew. Tearing open my own flesh but then — who am … Continue reading
What If
What if they gave us everything we asked for, what would be left to want, what would be left to pray for? What if they gave us everything we needed, What would be left to lack, what would be left … Continue reading