Tag Archives: blue-eyed man
Good Day
What’s a good day? Is it when he wakes up calmly and takes the pills she leaves out for him? Is it when he waits for her, if he gets up before her? Is it when he doesn’t break a … Continue reading
100 Words: The Last Time
This is the last time, he told himself. The last time I will pick her up. The last time I’ll mop up puke and wash blood from her hair and have to sober up because I can’t drink while I’m … Continue reading
100 Words: To Drink Alone
She went out the window one morning, when he went to get the paper. He’d established a routine and she watched it faithfully, followed it; it seemed he was less agitated when she did. All the same, she watched him … Continue reading
100 Words: What It Meant
She fell asleep in the bath again; waking as he pulled her from the cold water, wrapped her in a towel, cupped her face in his hands. He looked in her eyes (left, then right, then left again) — he … Continue reading