Tag Archives: fire
I like to believe you could step out of the place where you aren’t real, into the place that is. I like to believe you would take my hand and burn me on purpose. I like to think you’d make … Continue reading
Pile Up
I let the cards pile up, the red flag notices, the warnings. I let the shouts, the anger, the snarling hate pile up. I let it fill. I let it fill me. I let it over- flow. These are the … Continue reading
Blaze Of Glory
How often I thought of you, the peaceful one, a graceful being of pure serenity. I dreamed of dancing into your life, a flickering flame, a burning song. I wanted you for my own, but lacked the form that would … Continue reading
Better Than Before
Based on a musical that never happened, but was equal parts tragic and hilarious. * * * Fresh start. New, clean moment. Deep breath. Forget the fire. Nothingness. Forget the ashes. Climb on out; time to get higher. Building from … Continue reading
Purely of Joy
Burn me; put your hands on my skin and blacken me. Sear the imperfection out of me until you’ve glassed me, left me as bone and char and shining surface to be admired, to be feared, to be lusted after. … Continue reading