Tag Archives: poems
Exes and Ohs
Glory, glory, it was hard to see reason with all that radiant light with that face with that beautiful sungod face smiling down at me haloed by those windswept waves, that bronzed unfreckled skin. You don’t remember him, but I … Continue reading
Know ( )self
Intangible thing, a belief in self — how is it that you cannot hold it, cannot wield it, cannot shield yourself with it? Because it cannot be grasped? But in the hands of another, it cuts deeply enough that you … Continue reading
Even I think this is stupid
The pattern of a breakfix life is simple: Wait. Watch. Wait. Watch. Wait. See. Flinch. React. Panic. Flail – and in flailing, possibly hit the broken thing and render it useful again, or so un-useful as to be replaced. Lather. … Continue reading
Believe me when I say I am more than this flesh more than this voice more mutable more movable than any other feast you have known any other dish you have sampled, have consumed. Believe me when I say I … Continue reading
This is Just to Say
I condemn and disavow the violence in Charlottesville where a woman was murdered in the street and Nazis are unapologetic. Forgive me I am so nauseated to learn what we are. I hear the words of those who spread hate, … Continue reading