Tag Archives: anger
100 Words: Smile You Fuckers
Music played; she hummed along as she finished tasks, feeling calm sink in. Yesterday hadn’t gone well; she was left with a headache and a general feeling of discontent. Rather than focus on that, she turned her mind to Other … Continue reading
Five Ways Of Looking
I. Sometimes I can’t help but wonder at the forks in the road. Paths not taken. Discoveries not made. How would they have turned out? No different than anyone else looking back on their lives, but I feel infinitely ill-prepared … Continue reading
I am terrible at promises. I am a liar and a fool. I am weak and I am maddening. I am fearful and I am broken. I am hopeless and I am miserable. I think of myself as unloved, unlovable, … Continue reading
Holding My Own
I’ll make sure to remember, while I’m going down with the ship, that you left me with this. I’ll make sure to remember, while I’m rearranging these deck chairs, that you just sat there. I’ll make good goddamn sure I … Continue reading