Tag Archives: birthday

It’s My Birthday!

It’s my birthday, and as a gift to myself, I’ve decided to stop having a great big anxiety freakout that I’m not as punctual as I’d like to be, when it comes to posting updates. I’m grateful to those of … Continue reading

Posted in Announcements, Real Life | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

DeathWatch is ONE YEAR OLD today!

Aren’t you excited? I’m excited. I can’t believe this story’s come so far in just a year — I can’t believe how much further it has to go. Thank you for joining me, Kieron, and Jet on this adventure — … Continue reading

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Remind Me

Remind me; sometimes it escapes me that I never loved you, only obsessed about you. Sometimes I can’t remember the asshole you were, and the pathetic, spineless thing you made me. Remind me; open your mouth. Say something, anything — … Continue reading

Posted in Poetry | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

It's My Birthday!

I used to get ridiculously excited for my birthday every year, and then, getting older, there were a few times I was actually Scrooge-y on May 15th, but this year, I’m feeling celebratory. It’s my happy birthday, today, and I’m … Continue reading

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It’s My Birthday!

I used to get ridiculously excited for my birthday every year, and then, getting older, there were a few times I was actually Scrooge-y on May 15th, but this year, I’m feeling celebratory. It’s my happy birthday, today, and I’m … Continue reading

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