Tag Archives: nostalgia
She woke to the feeling of cool fall air on her skin, and the whisper of leaves fluttering near, like an aspen or cottonwood’s rattle, and her eyes strained to see, and because so much had been in her minds’ … Continue reading
Gone in a flash, in an instant, in a moment and all I have left are the memories of a time and place that never were. I can see your too-blue eyes and I can taste the smoke on your … Continue reading
Just Because You’re A
No, no, if I were brave I would have told you I loved you when you first gave me the chance. Instead, I babbled something about similar skies and perspective. You were the brave one. For example, you told me … Continue reading
Nothing Like It Used To
They don’t write ’em like they used to, the epic songs, the twice-told tales; they don’t spin them like they used to, the stories you could stay up all night to listen to. They don’t play them like they used … Continue reading
The Stings Our Hearts Get
You might have been my first, leaving me humiliated, wondering what I’d done wrong, how I could’ve been better for you. I realized later, when I heard she ate sticks of butter and cut herself for attention, that sometimes the … Continue reading