Wretched word-goblin with enough interests that they're not particularly awesome at any of them. Terrible self-esteem and yet prone to hilarious bouts of hubris. Full of the worst flavors of self-awareness. Owns far too many craft supplies. Will sing to you at the slightest provocation.
Well, I get a lot of people looking for things about corned beef (which I should expect I suppose) and hashtag factors in a lot(again my fault) the word “rash” has been thrown around (but I won’t dwell on that) and then there was someone looking for Christian Slater. You know just your everyday, ordinary, uninspired crap.
One other one that cracked me up was ‘Fucking Licorice All-Sorts’ — I had forgotten I’d left it as a tagline for awhile. ‘Fiction AllSorts: Like Licorice only Better’
That totally fits, and you know it. Miss Worldfuck 2014.
Something about this almost doesn’t seem like a compliment.
Maybe “mindfuck” would be better.
Ah, there we go.
You get a way better class of search terms pointing in your direction than I do.
If this is a better class of search terms, I shudder to imagine what leads people to your site.
Well, I get a lot of people looking for things about corned beef (which I should expect I suppose) and hashtag factors in a lot(again my fault) the word “rash” has been thrown around (but I won’t dwell on that) and then there was someone looking for Christian Slater. You know just your everyday, ordinary, uninspired crap.
One other one that cracked me up was ‘Fucking Licorice All-Sorts’ — I had forgotten I’d left it as a tagline for awhile. ‘Fiction AllSorts: Like Licorice only Better’