Category Archives: Word Spasm

Sorry, not sorry

I’m not sorry about the toast. I’m not sorry about the wedding. I’m not sorry about the fake priest. I’m not sorry about switching the donors. I’m not sorry about Ramon. I’m not sorry about Kevin. I’m not sorry about … Continue reading

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Friends Don't Let Friends Play Word Association

It is a haunting thing, these shadows that search and spasm, the darkness of it overwhelming, overthrowing, over and over until it’s a tumbledown mess of madness, where the crawling flies lay eggs of wonder and as I reach up … Continue reading

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Friends Don’t Let Friends Play Word Association

It is a haunting thing, these shadows that search and spasm, the darkness of it overwhelming, overthrowing, over and over until it’s a tumbledown mess of madness, where the crawling flies lay eggs of wonder and as I reach up … Continue reading

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