…I present to you the following hilarity.
The top searches that lead to my fiction include the phrase:
“What’s it like falling in love?”
Whoever you are, I AM SO. SO. SORRY.
* * *
When we hit 200 followers, I will post a link to my greatest audio hits which may or may not include a poetry reading of a takeout menu from my favorite Indian restaurant.
[[UPDATE]] Now that I realize that I’ve already actually got over 300 followers because of FB and Twitter (Hmmmm, minion army), I must renegotiate: You will receive a ‘greatest hits’ album after 500 followers. You can either start promoting, OR live in a world where you never have to listen to me cover a Deathboy and Idina Menzel mashup.
Funnily enough, I landed here by searching ” words that rhyme with bhuna.”
And I thought I’d be the lone voice in “menu poetry” – damn!!!
We’ll do a duets album!
I LOVE looking at search terms. Sometimes they make perfect sense, and other times they’re totally demented. They can be inspiring, either way!
Right? Obviously, as The Bloggess says, we have found our tribe.
I NEED to hear you sing. I absolutely need that. I will do my part to make this happen.
I write you part 15, and THIS is the post you comment on? Lewin, you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.
Jones, I will never miss one of your posts… went through the latest post first and then circled earlier… I read Return 15. I know you are determined to break me into little pieces with anticipation and wondering. I know that. I’m okay with that. And you’re cruel, and great, and you are so good it boggles the mind.
Little tiny pieces. All of them shrieking “More! Again! Woooooo!” like a pack of feral bros.
Feral’s the best word for you. Like some kind of wolf. You scare me a bit. I’m totally okay with that.