Tag Archives: cat jones
100 Words: Lights Out
“Now,” she said, grinning, moving towards her prey, reaching for him with her actual fists. “I don’t got fucking time to be delicate, so I’ma ask you some questions, n’I’m only gonna ask once. Get me?” The faintly gurgled response … Continue reading
100 Words: Abandoned
Heartbreak is a real thing, she thinks, reaching up to put a palm over her chest, to press hard the heel of her hand against an ache that cannot be soothed. It rises in the back of her throat, a … Continue reading
100 Words: Sudden
“Why’s it gotta be running?” she panted. “God, why’s it always fucking running,” she panted, her expression shifting to look rabid, wild, teeth bared. She booked down the street, spinning around the corner, fingertips gripping the brick, turning her sharply. … Continue reading
100 Words: Pick Up
She staggers down the alleyway, hands half-clawing at the bricks, as though the wall we’re a sturdy set of hands to catch her. Bloody-eyed, bloody-lipped, she twists, gagging up the last few hours’ of memories, pressing her back to the … Continue reading