From the book of writing prompts

#3. I’ll reveal the prompt at the end of this one, for humor’s sake.

“You know you want to.”



“Shhh. M’trying t’sleep, here.”

“So? You’ve been thinking about it all day.”


“You know how soft I am. How giving.”


“Touch me. “

“Gods above, stop.”

“Come on, just touch me. What, it’s not like I could even stop you! Why did you steal me if you weren’t going to take me as yours?”

“You looked expensive! I was going to sell you! Or trade you.”

“I am! Do you have any idea how much I’m worth? Come on, Girard. Don’t you want to know how good it would feel?”


“Not even a little bit? Just touch me, Girard. That’s all I’m saying. You should at least know how valuable I am.”

“I’m not going to–“

“One touch, and I’ll shut up and let you sleep.”

“You promise?”

“On my honor.”

“Fine, then. There. You–“

“Ohhh, see? See how soft I am?”

“Ahh, that’s… fuck, that’s nice.”

“It is. The inside’s even better. See? C’mon, Girard. Take off your boots. Please. I want you inside me.”




“Did I just–“

“Yeah, you made it weird. M’going to bed now.”

“Fuck, fine. Goodnight.”


Today’s Writing prompt: #3. “A pair of sentient boots.”

About Catastrophe Jones

Wretched word-goblin with enough interests that they're not particularly awesome at any of them. Terrible self-esteem and yet prone to hilarious bouts of hubris. Full of the worst flavors of self-awareness. Owns far too many craft supplies. Will sing to you at the slightest provocation.
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One Response to From the book of writing prompts

  1. Trent Lewin says:

    Jones… Oh Jones. Boots, eh? I should have seen that coming, but didn’t. You make me laugh.

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