Category Archives: Fiction
A Jetpack Plugin Barfed…
…and I hadn’t been able to access the dashboards for this website for quite a bit. It pissed me off, but I couldn’t figure out how to fix it (you have to get to the dashboard to disable the plugins, … Continue reading
Jason could feel his heart in his throat again, tight and hot and pounding. He remembered the things his therapist had told him he could do, when he got that feeling. Ground yourself, Dr. Moon had said, by counting the … Continue reading
A Story About Fishes, Another Part
When the sun was up and bread was hot enough to steam in the crisp air, Tiri took a loaf to the river, and sat on the bank while Hekka ran up and down it, barking at fallen leaves and … Continue reading
A Story About Fishes, Part Something
It was later, when she was older, but not old enough, that Tiri woke with a start one morning, saying aloud, “He never told me!” Hekka whuffed lowly, then yawned and stretched where she lay on the rug, then got … Continue reading
Love’s Lorica
I arise todayThrough a mighty strength, the invocation of Love, Through a belief in Love, Through confession of love Of the love of Love. I arise today Through the strength of Love, Through the strength of Love, Through the strength of Love, Through the strength of Love. … Continue reading