I’d rather buff my nails and wash my hair.
I’d rather be the object of everybody’s stare.
I’d rather have power, be the one who gets to choose —
I’d rather be high, if it’s all the same to you.
I’d rather wield the knife than feel the blade.
I’d rather relax, knowing I had it made
I’d rather have my cake and eat it, too —
I’d rather be high, if it’s all the same to you.
I’d rather be resting on an unending font of adoration
than on my knees scrubbing for kings and queens.
I’d rather be the one stepping on the backs and walking on the necks.
I’d rather be the one who gets to be mean.
I’d rather be the one everyone’s looking up to —
I’d rather be high, if it’s all the same to you.
I wonder if you just are able to say the things that I think – not only do I find that really weird, but very cool. Love this construction and what it’s getting at, I think you’re having a go at the truth that many people feel, Jones. Right now, I’m high on coffee. For the moment that’ll have to be enough. But I also have your words, and that’s much better.